Schools » Boundary Maps

Boundary Maps

Find your designated school using the interactive boundary map below. This map allows you to search and locate an address to determine if it falls within the ECSSD boundaries.

If you are unable to locate your address or are unsure of your designated boundary, please contact our Division Office at 780-962-5627 for assistance.

How to Search: (this works best on a computer rather than mobile phone) 

Click the  [   ]  on the top right corner of the map to open it in a new tab. Then use the 🔍 in the top left menu to enter your address.  Click directly beside the resulting location point to view the boundary information for school enrollment.

*NOTE: If you live in an unformed "non-Catholic" boundary (grey), you are considered to have "Non-Residence" status.  Applicants will have the opportunity to indicate this during the Online Student Registration process.  Please contact Evergreen Catholic Division Office at (780) 962-5627 or by email at [email protected] for information about your designated school.

Map Instructions
(*HINT: Some email providers have blocked google services which may prevent viewing of the boundary map. If your provider has blocked access, simply open this page in an incognito/private browser window.)
*If on a mobile device, turn sideways to view the map launch button  [   ]  or click here.
Ward 1 
Stony Plain:
- St. John Paul II Catholic School (K - Gr.8)
- St. Peter the Apostle Catholic School (Gr.9 - Gr.12)
Ward 2
Spruce Grove:
- St. Joseph Catholic School (PreK - Gr.4)
- St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic School (Gr.5 - Gr.8)
- St. Peter the Apostle Catholic School (Gr.9 - Gr.12)
Ward 2 
Spruce Grove:
- St. Joseph Catholic School (PreK)
- St. Marguerite Catholic School (K - Gr.4)
- St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic School (Gr.5 - Gr.8)
- St. Peter the Apostle Catholic School (Gr.9 - Gr.12)
Ward 2 Devon:
- Holy Spirit Catholic School (PreK - Gr.9)
- St. Peter the Apostle Catholic School (Gr.10 - Gr.12)
Ward 3 Westlock:
- Saint Mary Catholic School (PreK - Gr.12)
Ward 4 Hinton:
- St. Gregory Catholic School (PreK - Gr.4)
- Fr. Gerard Redmond Community Catholic School (Gr.5 - Gr.12)
Grey box
Unformed Areas:
- These areas are unformed "non-Catholic" boundaries and are subject to available programming and approved bussing from our transportation providers.