100 - General Administration
- AP 100 - Assurance Framework
- AP 101 - Three-Year Education Plan
- AP 102 - Annual Education Results
- AP 103 - School Education Plan
- AP 104 - Catholic School Review
- AP 105 - School-Based Decision Making
- AP 110 - School Councils
- AP 120 - Dissemination of Policy and Procedures
- AP 121 - Development and Review of Administrative Procedures
- AP 130 - Instructional Year
- AP 131 - Inclement Weather
- AP 131-1 - Appendix - Emergency School Closure and Inclement Weather Communication Protocol
- AP 140 - Appropriate Use of Digital Media and Personally-Owned Devices
- AP 140-1 - Appendix - Appropriate Use Expectations
- AP 140-2 - Appendix - Social Media Guidelines
- AP 141 - Portable Technology Security
- AP 145 - Use of Personal Communication Devices
- AP 150 - Media Relations
- AP 151 - Communications
- AP 152 - Dispute Resolution
- AP 153 - Advertising in Schools
- AP 155 - Event Protocol
- AP 156 - Visit Protocol
- AP 157 - Flag Protocol
- AP 158 - Memorials
- AP 160 - Safe and Caring Schools
- AP 161 - Health and Safety of Students and Staff
- AP 161-1 - Appendix - Universal Precautions
- AP 162 - Comunicable Diseases
- AP 163 - Tobacco Free Environment
- AP 163-1 - Appendix - Smudging
- AP 164 - Alcohol Consumption on School Premises
- AP 165 - Emergency Distaster Plans
- AP 166 - Pandemic Response
- AP 167 - Student Groups
- AP 167-1 - Appendix - Student Group and-or Activity Proposal
- AP 170 - Harassment and Violence
- AP 171 - Bullying and Threatening Behaviour
- AP 180 - Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy
- AP 181 - Video Surveillance
- AP 185 - Records Management
- AP 190 - Use of Copyright Materials
- AP 191 - Software Licenses